Roxanich Concept
Brand New World is responsible for professionally harmonizing all communication components of the Roxanich winery, hotel and restaurant into a comprehensive identity. Premium branding, organically melted with the product quality, makes the audiences fall in love with Roxanich. Developing own e-commerce platform and facilitate the biggest part of sales there, reflects the entire marketing strategy for home wine customers devoted to bringing traffic to the Roxanich website. In a parallel, for HoReCa and wine shop customers, BNW developed a unique offer on a global level in order to reach key accounts all over the world.
Presenting Roxanich wines with a proper narrative, using the timeout additionally for extensive wine ageing, is a key strategy of natural winemaking philosophy. The Roxanich brand stands firmly behind family values of being an honest proposition for intelligent and independent people, wishing to form their own, highly informed and cultivated opinion about natural winemaking, and discover new frontiers in life as ultimate expressions of personal freedom.
The claim “Freedom by Nature” is the essence of everything Roxanich stands for in front of customers and partners. Based on innovation and deep understanding what the new, woke and sophisticated wine and food consumer needs, WINES AND SMILES, UNFILTERED is the main new consumer-oriented brand driver, which works just as fine with the secondary peers audience - wine shops and HoReCa. All we need to add to this brand driver for key visuals, are statements like natural winemaking, with rare long aged natural wines, communicating our brand vision, too.